We have been reminded too many times as black and brown people that here are U.S. systems built against us. Instead of being tagged “Young, Gifted & Black” we have been treated as Young, Deadly & Black for eons. In order to avoid that ominous label we have attempted to be foolproof.
fool·proof | \ ˈfül-ˌprüf
: so simple, plain, or reliable as to leave no opportunity for error, misuse, or failure // ex. a foolproof plan
We have devised plans we thought could not go wrong to save us all. We have attempted to operate with such an exquisite level of reliability that we are flawless and can not be denied any job because of the exponential value we bring. We have worked ten times harder. We have attained and mastered as much education as possible. We have practiced each one teach one. We award scholarships to children in our community from numerous nonprofits we have created. We have built schools. We win governmental positions to create and change policies so we can thrive and survive. We have been elected to the highest positions in the land. We bootstrap, kick-start and go fund a thousand and one ventures. Now we are elevating our game on StartEngine, Wefunder and Republic to crowdfund the next unicorns. We are always on the come up investing in Tesla, DoorDash and Airbnb. We have been making things cool since the light bulb.
We have recognized that our authenticity wins. We are consistently declaring our excellence for us by us. We are building and scaling to reclaim what was stolen from us historically. We are all in on closing the wealth gap so empowerment banners wave high.
We have even redefined foolproof. It is now less about what we will do but more importantly what we won’t allow to be done to us, anymore. It’s our fortification, our protection against the ne’er-do-wells. We will no longer be used, misused or abused. We will no longer kowtow. We will not be spoken down to or dismissed. We will no longer take less to do more. We will not undervalue ourselves. We will no longer stand in the background while others lead. We will no longer be comfortable being uncomfortable unless it offers us a life-changing win now. We will not change to appease any illogical fears.
This is my affirmation for all those who have been dubbed minority, tasked to prove their worth, denied their justice, afforded no privilege, criminalized, dehumanized, and demonized. Your skin is American. Your greatness is undeniable. Your will is your way. Anyone who questions this is a fool and you are the proof.